Sarah Eder - Holiday Helpers Board of Directors

Sarah Eder

Board of Directors

Sarah began her career after university as a professional equestrian athlete, where she cultivated discipline and resilience. In her early 20s, she transitioned into entrepreneurship, successfully launching several companies, including a real estate asset management firm that she built from the ground up into a multimillion-dollar enterprise. Currently, she serves as the VP of Outreach for one of Ontario’s largest psychotherapy practices, focusing on connecting individuals with essential mental health resources. Driven by a passion for helping others, Sarah is dedicated to making a meaningful difference in the lives of those she serves.

We asked Sarah…

How have you been involved in Holiday Helpers?
A: I started sponsoring families for HH just after the pandemic as a way to give back for my company; but I wanted a charity that supported local people in my community, so that I knew where my money was going. I came across HH and was hooked! I started off the first year sponsoring a family, and became obsessed with shopping for my sponsored families, and roped my entire family into the process. From there, I continued to sponsor families and wanted to get deeper with my involvement, and began volunteering in the warehouse, doing gift drop-offs, and now – lending my marketing knowledge to the board of directors!

What is your favourite Christmas tradition?
A: I love baking cookies for my loved ones at Christmas; I bake dozens to give to friends and family, and it’s a Christmas tradition carried from my grandmother, to my mother and now to me!

What’s the one Christmas dish or snack you can’t live without?
A: My favourite holiday treat I can’t live without are Christmas shortbread cookies!

Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
A: One of my absolute favorite Christmas memories was getting my very first pony and my parents surprising me.

If you had an elf name, what would it be?
A: Sparkles

What’s the one Christmas dish or snack you can’t live without?
A: My favourite holiday treat I can’t live without are Christmas shortbread cookies!